The Power of

  • Lightning speed hashrate
  • Maximum energy efficiency
  • Multi Algorithm
  • Fastest return of investment



Bitcoin: 1100 TH/s
Litecoin/Doge: 500 GH/s
Dash: 30 TH/s
Power Consumption: 650 W



Bitcoin: 2300 TH/s
Litecoin/Doge: 1100 GH/s
Dash: 70 TH/s
Power Consumption: 1300 W



Bitcoin: 5800 TH/s
Litecoin/Doge: 2800 GH/s
Dash: 160 TH/s
Power Consumption: 2800 W



Redefining Efficiency in Digital Mining

Since its foundation in 2020, ASICKEY is the world's leading manufacturer of digital currency mining servers, which has long maintained a global market share and leading position in technology, serving customers across over 100 countries and regions.


Frequently asked questions

  • What is your delivery time?

    Our standard delivery time for all products is 7 working days.

  • Where can the products be shipped?

    We ship worldwide, except to countries with restricted customs policies.

  • What are the payment options?

    We accept payments in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum.

  • Who covers the delivery and customs fees?

    We cover all delivery and customs fees. You only pay for the product, and we’ll ensure it reaches your doorstep.

  • How does customs clearance work?

    We handle all customs processes, so you’ll receive the product directly at your door.

  • What do I need to start mining?

    Once your miner arrives, simply connect it to a power socket, access it via Wi-Fi or cable, enter your preferred pool details (or use our 0% fee pool), and start mining.

  • Are the products in stock or pre-order?

    At ASICKey, all products are in stock and ready for immediate delivery.

  • Where can I calculate real-time profitability?

    An estimation based on current market prices and mining difficulty is available on each product page.

  • What does your warranty cover?

    Our warranty includes all software and hardware issues, excluding any external damage.

  • What software or OS do the miners use?

    Our miners come pre-configured with a Linux-based system and ASICKey software, providing a user-friendly interface.

  • What is the minimum internet speed required for optimal performance?

    We recommend a minimum internet speed of 10 KB/s for both upload and download.

  • What does hosting with ASICKey include?

    Our hosting price is all-inclusive, covering electricity, internet, support, and more. You’ll have remote access to manage your miner in real time, with the option to use our 0% fee mining pool or any public pool of your choice.

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